Classic Vehicle Bookshelf >> Classic Motorcycle Books >> Classic American Bike Books >> Schickel Motorcycle Books
Schickel motorcycle books includes the complete illustrated history of Schickel motorcycles by Ken Anderson.
Norbert H. Schickel began The Schickel Motor Company in Stamford, Connecticut to produce and market motorcycles in 1912.
The Illustrated History Of The Schickel Motorcycle 1911-1924 by Ken Anderson (2008). The first two-cycle motorcycle built in America. The Story of the Schickel Motorcycle Company of Stamford, Connecticut - over 190 pages filled with photos, letters, documents, and brochures. Original Company photos of the factory, machines and components. Pictures, descriptions and specifications of every model. Patent infringement settlements by Harley-Davidson and Indian. One of the most complete histories of an early motorcycle company.